Monday, April 27, 2020

Music for Week of April 27

Here are new pre-recorded music lessons! You can do these at any time this week. There is a contest for each lesson so be sure to enter by Friday 3:00 PM!:)

K-2 Music Lesson with Mrs. Mac 4/27

3-5 Music Lesson with Mrs. Mac and Mrs. Fuller 4/27

You can also stop in to see me live. These meets are completely optional but are a chance to say hello, ask questions, share music or if we have time do a little music together. Due to privacy, I can't link them here so go to your specialist doc that was sent out to find them. It is important you first sign into your google account to access the live meet.

JFK Thursday: K-2 2:00-2:30 and 3-5 2:30-3:00

Parmenter Friday: K-2 2:00-2:30 and 3-5 2:30-3:00

Miss you all! Mrs. Mac

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Music for Week of April 21

Here are new pre-recorded music lessons! You can do these at any time this week. There is a contest for each lesson so be sure to enter by Friday 3:00 PM!:)

K-2 Music Lesson with Mrs. Mac 4/21

3-5 Music Lesson with Mrs. Mac and Mrs. Fuller 4/21

You can also stop in to see me live. These meets are completely optional but are a chance to say hello, ask questions, share music or if we have time do a little music together. Due to privacy, I can't link them here so go to your specialist doc that was sent out to find them. It is important you first sign into your google account to access the live meet.

JFK Thursday: K-2 2:00-2:30 and 3-5 2:30-3:00

Parmenter Friday: K-2 2:00-2:30 and 3-5 2:30-3:00

Miss you all! Mrs. Mac

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Music this week!

Everyone should have gotten these links via their classroom teacher or their principal's newsletter but just in case you missed it check out these lessons I recorded to help you with music at home! You can do these at any time this week. There is a contest for each lesson so be sure to enter by Friday 3:00 PM!:)

K-2 Music Lesson with Mrs. Mac

3-5 Music Lesson with Mrs. Mac and Mrs. Fuller

You can also stop in to see me live. These meets are completely optional but are a chance to say hello, ask questions, share music or if we have time do a little music together. Due to privacy, I can't link them here so go to your specialist doc that was sent out to find them. It is important you first sign into your google account to access the live meet.

JFK Thursday: K-2 2:00-2:30 and 3-5 2:30-3:00

Parmenter Friday: K-2 2:00-2:30 and 3-5 2:30-3:00

Miss you all! Mrs. Mac

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Week 3: Music at home!

Hi again!

Hopefully you have all seen this between teachers sharing and principal newsletters but here is the link to my week 3 activity! Week 3 Music Activity and Remote Music Learning Doc On this doc you can also find all kinds of music websites, games and ideas for making music at home! I decided to try this week's activity out with my own family. I hope you enjoy!

Above are the instruments we found and made.
Fourth grade chorus should recognize the song below!:)

Miss you all and look forward to making music together again!

Love, Mrs. Mac