Friday, December 22, 2017

December Music!

December Celebrity Singers in Chorus!
JFK 3rd Grade
JFK 4th Grade

JFK 5th Grade and Parmenter 5th Grade TBA in January

December Musician, Culture, and Composer of the Month!
1st Grade Musician: Ludwig van Beethoven

Here is one of Beethoven's greatest pieces performed as a flash mob! 

2nd Grade Culture: Europe

While 2nd graders enjoyed doing their own Russian dance, we also loved seeing some authentic Russian dancers!
3rd Grade Composer: Pytr Tchaikovsky

Mrs. Henneberry 3rd Grade performing the March from the Nutcracker! Great way to explore form!
Looking for one or two of these if anyone has one they don't use any more!

Other snapshots of Music in December!
Below are pictures and videos of different activities and concepts we explored in music. I plan to feature every class that I teach at JFK and Parmenter by the end of the year. 

 Mrs. Saford's Class exploring macro and micro beats in duple meter to the tune of "Jingle Bells."

Mrs. Logan's class exploring form and movement through "Dance of the Reed Flutes" from the Nutcracker. All K and 1 classes worked on this activity.

All classes 1-5 had an opportunity to share music from home in "music show and tell" this past week. Students will have another opportunity in June. Here is a clip from 5th graders in Mrs. Vicente's class. 

Winter Sing along/Caroling at Parmenter and JFK this week! Led by the 5th grade choruses!

Stay tuned for more! Also follow me on twitter @MrsMacMusic1

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

November Music!

November Celebrity Singers in Chorus!

JFK 3rd Grade

JFK 4th Grade

JFK 5th Grade

Parmenter 5th Grade

November Musician, Culture, and Composer of the Month!
1st Grade Musician: John Philip Sousa
This was a great opportunity to explore beat and instruments through marching music!

2nd Grade Culture: Australia
Students had fun learning about the didgeridoo and singing about the kookaburra!

3rd Grade Composer: Scott Joplin
"The Entertainer" written by Scott Joplin, performed by Cory Hall

Looking for one or two of these if anyone has one they don't use any more!

Other snapshots of Music in November!
Below are pictures and videos of different activities and concepts we explored in music. I plan to feature every class that I teach at JFK and Parmenter by the end of the year. 
 Mrs. Maiato's Class 2nd Grade "Turkey Song"

Mrs. Arnold's Class 1st Grade - demonstrating macro beats on the triangles!

Mrs. Sanford's Class 1st Grade - demonstrating resting tone in minor tonality on a neutral syllable (meaning not using solfege yet)

Stay tuned!Also follow me on twitter @MrsMacMusic1

Friday, December 1, 2017

Chorus Solo Auditions!

We're getting ready for our January concerts and so it's time to pick our soloists! 
Auditions will be...
JFK 3rd and 4th Grade  - next week during general music
JFK 5th Grade - January TBD
Parmenter 5th Grade - December 11 and 12 during general music
Youtube is a great resource for practicing! Type in the song's name and then you could add lyrics or karaoke. Here is a song fourth graders are working on!